Lifepoint Syringe & Narcan Access

The Vivent Health Lifepoint program provides free syringes and safer injection supplies to people who inject drugs, as well as safe disposal of used syringes. For more than 25 years, our Lifepoint program has been a national leader in promoting the health of people who use drugs and empowers them to take control of their health and wellness. We are dedicated to harm reduction and providing judgement-free care to people who use drugs.

Lifepoint provides:

  • Sterile syringes
  • Syringe disposal
  • Injection supplies such as cottons, cookers, waters, tourniquets, sharp containers and more
  • Overdose prevention education, including access to Narcan
  • Referrals to substance use treatment and resources for people who want to reduce or eliminate drug use in their life
  • Linkage to care and referrals to HIV and hepatitis C care
  • Harm reduction counseling and substance use education
  • Fentanyl Testing Strips
  • Wound care education

Question: Where are there syringe and naloxone services near me?

Answer: The Lifepoint program is available in most locations, and offers a mobile unit in select locations.

Learn more about the Lifepoint program in Wisconsin.

Learn more about the Lifepoint program in Colorado.

Learn more about the Lifepoint program in Austin.