Prevention & HIV Testing

There are more ways to stop HIV than ever before. At Vivent Health, our team of health care providers, pharmacists and prevention specialists work together to create individualized plans to help prevent HIV, hepatitis and other sexually transmitted infections. From learning your status through our free and confidential HIV and STI testing services to receiving information about the newest prevention strategies, together we will help you succeed by ensuring you have the most current, scientifically-proven prevention tools available. And, our prevention services are available to everyone, even if you don’t have insurance.

We are dedicated to providing care and prevention services to you without judgment, shame, stigma or rejection. Our team of prevention specialists is comprised of professionals whose purpose is to help you thrive on your journey and to treat you with the respect and dignity you deserve.

Know Your Status: PrEP, Condoms and Free HIV Testing

Knowing your HIV status is the first step in taking charge of your sexual health. That’s why HIV and STI testing is at the center of our prevention programs. The newest and one of the most effective HIV prevention strategies is PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis). We also offer clinics designed to help you take PrEP successfully. PrEP is a pill that is taken once a day. As directed by your doctor,  with consistent condom usage, PrEP is up to 99 percent effective at preventing HIV.

Talk to one of our PrEP experts today to schedule your test and learn more about how PrEP can work for you.

Injection Drug Use, Treatment and Needle Exchange

The Vivent Health Lifepoint program provides free syringe access services to community members who inject drugs. Through confidential sessions, Lifepoint participants are offered sterile syringes, safe disposal of used syringes and access to other injection supplies to help reduce the risk of HIV, hepatitis C and other health complications. We offer HIV and hepatitis C testing, harm reduction counseling, and referrals to substance use treatment programs for people who want to reduce or eliminate drug use in their life. Through Lifepoint, we also provide opioid overdose prevention education and access to Narcan which reverses the effects of an opioid overdose.

HIV & STI Testing

Lifepoint Syringe & Narcan Access

Assess Your Risk

Project Push

Wisconsin Harm Reduction Technical Assistance Center

with Care

We look forward to getting to know you. We are your caring team of partners. The first step is to make an appointment.


At-home test kits, condoms and lube are available free of charge.