The power of planned giving
Diane has been involved in HIV and AIDS starting in the mid-1980s. She came to the cause through her career in fashion retail, where she had several work colleagues and friends who were gay men who at the time were most at risk from this new disease. Among them was her best friend Jack Sansing, who encouraged her to become a volunteer by working the phone lines to share information and answer questions about AIDS. Jack was HIV positive, and the disease had progressed, causing ulcers in his mouth that left him in constant pain. Jack made Diane executor of his will, instructing her to direct the estate to the cause of AIDS in the Austin community.
The money from the estate, and ten years of successful fundraisers, became the seed capital for a dental clinic in Austin, which ultimately became a part of AIDS Services Austin. Diane remembers her first meeting with the dentist who launched the clinic. He was passionate and knowledgeable and Diane thought, “This is where Jack’s estate needs to go.”
Diane has stayed connected and is impressed with Vivent Health’s comprehensive care for patients that includes medical, dental and behavioral health combined with social support services. Imagining what Jack would think about what the donation of his estate has become, Diane says, “He would be so proud and so happy.”