Personal experience and paying it forward
After Michael’s partner, Eugenio, was diagnosed with AIDS, the couple had to not only navigate complex and frustrating American medical and insurance systems, but they also had to deal with the impact of the disease on their careers, finances and emotional health. Fortunately, Vivent Health was there to help, providing wraparound care and assistance with everything from medication costs and dental care to counseling and mental health services for both Eugenio and Michael.
Vivent Health’s champions were there for Eugenio through the final months of his life and were there for Michael as he processed his grief after Eugenio passed. The experience left Michael determined to give back to the organization that had played such a vital role in the couple’s difficult journey. He began by getting involved with the AIDS Walk and then, after he reached the age for Required Minimum Distribution from his retirement accounts, he designated Vivent Health as the automatic recipient every year. He encourages others to consider a similar contribution to Vivent Health saying “Maybe there’s more out there like me. If they’re required to make distributions, why not give to Vivent Health? That way, money is continually going to support its work.”