Meeting the need immediately
A new client presented at the office with his partner. The client had tested positive for HIV while in the hospital for suicidal ideation the previous week and was dealing with severe auditory and visual hallucinations. The client and his partner had been street homeless for the last 5 months and decided to come to Vivent on the recommendation of a friend. The Prevention department staff were the first to meet with the client, and immediately recognized that the client needed Case Management assistance. The Case Manager On Duty was called and initiated the intake process before turning the client over to a Case Manager Supervisor.
Over the course of approximately 5 hours on that day, the client was assigned to a Linkage to Care Specialist; scheduled a medical appointment to engage in HIV care; his partner was tested for HIV (negative) and STIs (positive for syphilis) and had his treatment scheduled; a Ryan White housing program application was completed, submitted, approved, and assigned to a Housing Specialist; and the client was referred for therapy and psychiatry services. The client later reported that he felt so welcome and cared for immediately upon entering Vivent Health’s doors that he knew he made the right decision in coming here.