Statement by Vivent Health on Honoring George Floyd

The senseless murder of George Floyd a year ago forced us into a long overdue face-to-face reckoning with centuries of racism. Whether you feel hope in the guilty verdict and ongoing demands for equity, or despair that so little is different, we are called to do more to achieve a more fair, more just, and more compassionate society.
In difficult times of strife, when real change seems allusive at best, we must turn to the values that we hold so dearly. It is in our values in what we prioritize that we find the courage to lead, the courage to evolve, the courage to take a stand against a system that oppresses millions of our fellow Americans, every single day.
Our values at Vivent Health – All-in, Align, Accountable, Agile, and Action – were augmented with Allyship during Black History Month just a few weeks ago. As we work to increase our Allyship in new and meaningful ways, it emerges as far more than mere words on a page. It intertwines with all our values to become an active part of what we do every day.
As we mark the solemn anniversary of George Floyd’s murder and witness the daily tragedies of systemic racism, we must continue to live out our values in our communities. In honor of George and the countless other Americans discriminated against we urge you to Act in Allyship today. Be All-in for a better world. Honor George in a moment of silence, have a courageous conversation, reach out to begin forming a new friendship, support a just and merciful organization, call for change, hold a colleague or family member Accountable for that thing they say that you know isn’t right. For change will never come until we, individually and collectively, Act differently.
Today, Vivent Health and our more than 500 Champions will Act in many ways to honor the legacy of George Floyd. One of them will be to support the NAACP in their tireless and groundbreaking work to bring about greater justice, fairness, and equity in our world. Will you consider Aligning with our efforts? You can, right here, right now.