Radical Response: Week One

These are unprecedented times. All of us at Vivent Health are working at full speed to ensure that the Coronavirus pandemic does not deter us from our mission. We will continue to be relentless champions and deliver on our promise to provide quality care and support to people impacted by HIV.
Some of our programs and services may look different, but please know that every decision we make in the coming weeks and months is being made to protect the safety and health of our patients, clients, staff, allies and community. Here is what we’ve already accomplished during the first week of our Radical Response:
- Pharmacy: We have moved over 95% of our prescriptions to delivery methods so our patients can still access the medication they need. In our first week of Radical Response, our Pharmacies filled 2,134 (30-day) prescriptions and 229 (90-day) prescriptions.
- Medical Care: 171 patients were seen in-person by our medical providers, including current patients and new patients connecting to HIV care.
- Behavioral Health Care: 86 patients connected with us via phone for psychiatry, psychotherapy and Alcohol and other Drug Abuse services.
- Case Management: Our case managers’ contacts with clients have increased by 20% over a normal week to ensure everyone feels supported during this time of uncertainty.
- Food Pantry: We are now providing one-month supplies of boxed food for home delivery and curbside pick-up. We’ve already completed 125 home deliveries and 156 curbside pick-ups.
- Prevention Services: We are now providing a 30-day supply of condoms, clean syringes and PrEP to help clients protect their health, and we are developing a program for distribution of “at home” HIV tests.
Please visit viventhealth.org/coronavirus for the latest updates on our programs, services and the impact of the Coronavirus on the health of people with HIV