b'PROVIDING HIV CARE AND SUPPORT FOR ALL WHO COME THROUGHOUR DOORS Integrating healthcare and social services is crucial for people livingwith HIV for several reasons:Addressing Social Determinants inclusive environment for people 24 % INCREASE of Health: living with HIV.IN PATIENTSSocial determinants of health,SERVED such as housing instability, food Improving Health Outcomes:2021 2022 insecurity, poverty, and lack of Access to social services can13,376 16,616 access to transportation can improve the health outcomes ofnegatively impact the health people living with HIV by addressing 27 % BLACK/outcomes of people living with the underlying issues that impactAFRICANtheir health. For example, providing AMERICAN HIV. Integrating social services,such as housing assistance, access to stable housing and healthyOF 16,616 PATIENTS SERVEDfood can help individuals better15 % HISPANIC/nutrition programs, and legal manage their HIV treatment andLATINO assistance can help addressthese social determinants and improve their overall health. improve the overall healthImproving Care Coordination:26 % UNINSURED and well-being of people living Integrating healthcare and socialwith HIV.services also improves careReducing Stigma: coordination for people living35 % MEDICAIDIntegrating healthcare and socialwith HIV. When healthcarePATIENT services can also help reduce providers and social servicethe stigma associated with HIV.providers work together, theycan better coordinate care,11 % MEDICAREHealthcare providers working ensure that individuals receive the PATIENT alongside social service providers creates a more supportive and services they need, and improve communication between providers.72 % LIVING AT 200% Overall, integrating healthcare and social services is important for peopleOF THE FEDERAL POVERTY LINE living with HIV in the U.S. as it can improve their health outcomes, addressOR BELOWsocial determinants of health, reduce stigma, and improve care coordination.'